Products & Services

Products & Services

NLMA Physician Care Network

The NLMA Physician Care Network (PCN) is committed to providing physicians with health programs that offer health promotion, prevention and crisis intervention services related to the physical and mental health of physicians.

Parental Leave Allowance 

The NLMA Parental Leave Allowance provides partial income replacement for physician parents regardless of their payment modality, who take temporary leave following the birth or adoption of their child. Eligible self-employed physician parents can apply to receive $1,500 per week for a total of 17 consecutive weeks. Self-employed physicians may also bill/earn up to $1,900 per week while receiving the parental leave allowance in recognition that overhead costs for a private office may continue throughout the period of parental leave. For employee physician parents, the allowance provides a “top up” to Employment Insurance parental leave benefits to a combined maximum of $1,500 per week for a total of 17 consecutive weeks.

Investment & Financial Services

The NLMA Group Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP), administered by MD Financial Management, provides salaried members who are employees of the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador with a group RRSP. Contributions are based on bi-weekly contributions of five per cent by the employer and five per cent by the employee, deducted automatically from salary (subject to the yearly maximum contribution level). These contributions are forwarded directly to the NLMA Group RRSP and invested by MD Financial Management according to the physician’s instructions. Please contact MD Financial Management at (709) 726-2136 or (800) 229-1798, or visit

The Medicus Pension Plan™ is now available in Newfoundland and Labrador. Established by MD Financial Management Inc. (MD) and Scotiabank, Medicus is a multi-employer pension plan designed specifically for incorporated physicians in Canada that provides predictable lifetime retirement income. That’s peace of mind for you, and your family. Start the journey to a future well-planned. Visit to sign up or learn more.

Personal Insurance Programs

Physician Leadership Bursary Program

Through the generous support of the Canadian Medical Association, the NLMA is offering a Physician Leadership Bursary to members. The bursary provides funding for the purpose of enrollment in multiple physician leadership and professional development opportunities that are aligned with the NLMA’s mission and values. Successful bursary applicants will receive up to 90 per cent of the direct tuition/registration costs for the programs they enroll in. The goal of the program is to provide NLMA members with the tools and techniques to be more impactful leaders in their community, their organizations, their province, their association and the profession.


NLMA members regardless of age or practice status are entitled to a free one-year membership in the Canadian Association of Retired Persons (C.A.R.P.). C.A.R.P. has assembled a unique portfolio of “members-only” discounts and added value offers from leading brands – close to 100 separate savings which can easily add up to hundreds, even thousands, of dollars a year.

Scholarships & Bursaries

The Physicians’ Legacy Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador is a registered charity administered by the NLMA and overseen by physicians. Each year, the generosity of donors provides scholarships and financial assistance to medical students and residents attending Memorial University. Donors help ensure that medical education is accessible to deserving students regardless of their financial means. 

Keeping Members Informed

The NLMA provides a range of electronic services with the goal of delivering membership services in a more effective, immediate and efficient manner. The President’s Letter is published on a regular basis to keep members informed and up-to-date about emerging issues. Other bulletins and notices on upcoming events or information alerts on issues of interest to physicians are published on an as-needed basis. Members are notified of new and important items on the NLMA website and through the NLMA Update, delivered regularly to their email.

Discount Program with GoodLife Fitness

NLMA members can avail of a 15% discount with GoodLife Fitness, which applies to new gym memberships as well as existing ones transferred to the Association’s discount program. To take advantage, members will need to access the Goodlife Corporate Membership Portal using their NLMA number (omitting leading zeros, if necessary).

This benefit is offered at no cost to the Association, with eligibility lists updated to GoodLife at the end of each month. Please refer to the flyer and FAQs below for more information and visit the GoodLife Portal when you are ready to proceed.