Other Digital Initiatives
Provincial Personal Health Record
MyHealthNL: A Personal Health Record for citizens of Newfoundland and Labrador is being phased in as part of a limited release in March 2023. A Personal Health Record is a computer-based medical record that securely provides individuals with access to all or a portion of their health information. The release in March will include laboratory results seven days after they are available to the health care provider; pathology results 14 days after they are available to the provider; medical Imaging reports 14 days after they are available to the provider; as well as a summary of dispensed medications. Read more by downloading the brochure below.

Cybersecurity Tip Sheet
Podcast on Ransomware Attack in Health Care
As the province recently experienced firsthand, health care is the leading target for cybercriminals. That’s why it’s important for physicians and staff to have the proper training to protect patient health information.
The Saegis Shield podcast linked below features an in-depth discussion with Aron Feuer, of Valencia, a recognized expert in cybersecurity. This discussion explores a real cyber breach and ransomware attack in health care and how it was managed. To listen, click here.