

NLMA Honorary Life Membership Award

What is the NLMA Honorary Life Membership Award?

The NLMA Honorary Life Membership Award recognizes persons who, in the opinion of the Board of Directors, have distinguished themselves by their achievements in medicine or an allied science, or who has rendered distinguished service to the Newfoundland and Labrador Medical Association (NLMA).

What are the criteria for the Award?

  • Membership in good standing with the NLMA at the time of approval (including those who have passed since their nomination); and
  • Retired from active practice regardless of age, including those performing locums, or over the age of 75 regardless of practice status; and,
  • Significant contributions to the medical profession as defined by involvement in NLMA activities, which may include Board of Director or committee involvement; or,
  • Other considerations including strong liaison with other medical organizations, delivery of quality medical care, political activity, medical research, community service and humanitarian service.

Selection Process

The selection process begins with a Call for Nominations from the entire membership. Nominations must include the rationale of how the nominee meets the criteria. Nominations will be vetted by NLMA staff to ensure the stipulations are met before presentation to the NLMA Board of Directors for final decision.

How do I nominate someone? 

To nominate someone for the Award, please complete the online form.

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Past Recipients

Dr. Geoffrey Higgins
Dr. David Morgan

Dr. Francis (Frank) Duff
Dr. Gerald (Gerry) Murray
Dr. Thomas Young

Dr. Padmavathy Guntamukkala
Dr. Neil Harvey
Dr. David Lacey   

Dr. Elias Bartellas
Dr. Peter Blackie
Dr. Nigel Duguid 

Dr. Robert Young
Dr. Wieslaw Rawluk

Canadian Medical Association (CMA) Honorary Life Membership Award

What is the CMA Honorary Life Membership Award?

The CMA Honorary Membership Award is an honour bestowed on those who have been nominated by their provincial/territorial medical associations and have had their nominations approved unanimously by the CMA Board of Directors. The nominees are held in high regard by their colleagues; they are humanitarians who have put into practice the aims and ideals of the profession. They are people who exemplify the words of the CMA Coat of Arms: Integriate et misericordia â€” integrity and compassion. 

What are the criteria for the Award?

  • Over the age of 65 and retired from active practice;
  • Active membership in the CMA for at least 10 years.

How do I nominate someone? 

To nominate someone for the Award, please complete the online Nomination Form.


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Past Recipients

Dr. Michael Jong
Dr. Faith Stratton

Dr. Alan Kwan
Dr. Paul Patey

Dr. Grenfell Adams, 
Dr. Robert Young 

Dr. Donald Hodder,
Dr. Thomas Rossiter

Dr. Georgina Chalker