
What is eConsult?

eConsult is a secure, web-based tool that allows primary care providers to submit non-urgent, patient-specific questions to a participating specialty.

Relevant diagnostic testing, images, photos, letters or any other documentation to help inform the consult process may be included. The request is processed and assigned to an appropriate consultant, who is asked to respond within seven days. 

Why Participate?

Direct access to a consultant
Get the answers you need for your patients while avoiding time-consuming calls to connect with a consultant.

Avoid unnecessary referrals
Receive consultant advice while allowing patients to avoid being added to a waitlist and reduce the burden of having to travel to see a consultant.

Enhanced service experience
A timely answer to a clinical question can improve patient confidence and reinforce the primary care provider-patient relationship. 

Maximize the initial visit
If a face-to-face referral is still required, any diagnostic tests, courses for treatment, etc., may be requested and completed before the appointment leading to a more effective visit.

Participating Specialties:

The following specialties are available through eConsult:

Addictions MedicineHepatologyRespirology
Cannabinoid MedicineInfectious DiseasesSports Medicine
CardiologyInternal MedicineSurgery
Child/Adolescent PsychiatryNeurologyUrology
Chronic PainObstetrics/GynecologyWound Care
DermatologyOpioid Dependency 
Endocrinology & MetabolismOrthopedics 
GastroenterologyPalliative Care 

How Do I Learn More?

Click here to view the eConsult training materials.

How Do I Gain Access to eConsult?

eConsults must be sent through HEALTHeNL, the Provincial Electronic Health Record. To request access, please send an email to [email protected] and include the following information:

  • First Name:
  • Last Name:
  • Occupation (i.e. Physician, Nurse Practitioner, Specialist/Consultant):
  • Specialty Area (if applicable):
  • Email Address:
  • Telephone Number:

A HEALTHe NL eConsult team member will be in touch to discuss access and the training that you will require.

Training and Education Materials 

eConsult training videos and Quick Reference Guides are available on the Newfoundland and Labrador Centre for Health Information website here.