Physician Care Network
The Physician Care Network (PCN) is a confidential program of the NLMA.

The program has a formal agreement with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Newfoundland and Labrador (CPSNL) that acknowledges the differing mandates and philosophies of the organizations, but confirms the shared goal of assisting physicians and learners who may be impaired or at risk of becoming impaired in the practice of their profession.
Physical, cognitive, and/or mental health conditions affect members of health professions as they do the general population. That’s why the PCN embraces the principles of prevention and treatment of health conditions, including the promotion of biological, psychological, and social well-being.
The PCN can offer advice, intervention, assessment, referral to treatment, monitoring and advocacy to support physicians and learners who may be experiencing issues within a broad spectrum of personal health conditions. This includes physical, cognitive, and/or mental health conditions, substance use disorders, as well as professionalism and/or behavioural issues.
Self-referrals may be received in verbal or written form from health professionals who are eligible for PCN clinical services, including physicians, residents, medical students and any other health professionals for whom the PCN has a Memorandum of Understanding with their regulatory College and/or Professional Association.
Health professionals may also be referred by third parties, including but not limited to family members, professional colleagues, physician leaders, the CPSNL, workplaces, academic institutions (medical schools and residency programs) and/or legal counsel.