Primary Care Training Program

On May 25, 2013, the NLMA hosted a half-day Primary Care Training Program to support MDLink physician-providers.

MDLink is a program that connects physician-providers with physician-patients to help doctors gain access to family medicine physicians. Speakers for this “train the trainer” workshop included Dr. Derek G. Puddester, Dr. Gina Gari Higgins and Dr. Robert Williams. 

Physician Health 101: What makes us unique?

Derek Puddester, MD, MEd, FRCPC, ACC

Part 1: Physician Health in Canada
Part 2: Code 99 – Ottawa Experience
Part 3:
Part 4: Inexpensive Interventions Work
Part 5: Q & A

The Patient-Peer: The Challenges and Rewards of Care

Gina Gari Higgins, MD, CCFP

Part 1: Practical Tips and Strategies
Part 2: Common Concerns
Part 3: Practical Considerations
Part 4: Advocating for the Client

Supporting the Physician: Perspectives from CPSNL 

Robert Williams, MD

Part 1: CMA Code of Ethics – Relevant Sections
Part 2: Legislation Requiring Physician Reporting
Part 3: Medical Act
Part 4: Supporting the Physician