NLMA Submits Input on Health System Redesign
In February, the NLMA asked for your input on the topics under examination by the provincial Task Force on Health Care (Health Accord NL).
The Task Force has established committees on the topics of hospital services, digital technology, community care, quality of care, the aging population and the social determinants of health. To ensure that the perspectives and experiences of NLMA members were reflected in the NLMA’s briefs to the Task Force, an extensive consultation process with physicians was undertaken in February and March 2021 (NLMA had already submitted a brief on community care in January based on previous member input). We have asked the Task Force co-chairs to forward these briefs to each of the corresponding committees, which will produce recommendations for the 10-year plan for the province’s health care system.
The NLMA would like to thank members who contributed advice and feedback during these consultations.
Please find below the briefs the NLMA submitted to the Task Force based on the member input collected in February and March.
NLMA Letter to Sr. Elizabeth Davis and Dr. Patrick Parfrey
Hospital Services Brief
Quality of Care Brief
Digital Technology Brief
Aging Brief
To visit the Health Accord NL website, click below.