News Release: Celebrating the hardworking doctors in Newfoundland and Labrador
May 1 is National Physicians Day, a day to recognize and honour all Canadian physicians who devote their lives to helping others.
Today, we thank the more than 1,500 hardworking physicians and medical residents in this province who are committed to improving the lives of patients. Physicians are clinicians, educators, researchers, and advocates. They provide medical care to patients in hospitals, 24/7 emergency departments, operating rooms, community clinics, homes, and long-term care facilities. Some conduct research and provide education and training to our future physicians. Others volunteer their time on committees, working groups and taskforces to build a better health care system to meet the needs of patients.
The Newfoundland and Labrador Medical Association wishes to acknowledge their tireless work, often under difficult circumstances, and we offer our gratitude for their service, compassion and perseverance.
“I know that your jobs are not easy in the best of circumstances, and at times like these it may seem impossible,” says NLMA President Dr. Kris Luscombe.
“The health care system is in crisis. Doctors are working in areas that are under-staffed and under pressure. We have a critical shortage of family doctors in every region of the province. Other specialties are suffering from the strain of an under-resourced and over-loaded health care system. Provider shortages, increasing wait times, surgical backlogs and long and unpredictable hours on-call contribute to stress and burnout,” says Dr. Luscombe.
“Yet despite these challenges and increasing personal demands, doctors continue to show up to support those in need. They go above and beyond every day to uphold professional standards in providing safe and quality medical care. Their resolve for sustaining our health care system through repeated crises in recent years has never wavered and is inspiring to us all. For that, I would like to commend each and every physician in our province for their dedication, leadership, and self-sacrifice,” he added.
Much work lies ahead as we strive to build a stable and sustainable health care system for the future. Doctors will continue to rise to the challenge, but they cannot shoulder the weight of these systemic challenges alone. On National Physicians’ Day, the NLMA encourages all Newfoundlanders and Labradorians to take a moment to show their appreciation by recognizing all that our doctors have done and continue to do for patients and their families.