Expressions of Interest invited for Family Practice Renewal Committee & EMR Management Committee

Expressions of Interest invited for Family Practice Renewal Committee & EMR Management Committee

The NLMA is inviting Expressions of Interest for the Family Practice Renewal Committee (FPRC) and the EMR Management Committee.

Family Practice Renewal Committee
The FPRC is the joint governance committee for the Family Practice Renewal Program, as set out in Schedule J of the current Memorandum of Agreement. Those interested in serving on the committee should have at least five years of practice in the province and would ideally have experience working with teams, have an interest in primary health care reform and practice comprehensive family medicine. Please include a description of your practice with your expression of interest.

EMR Management Committee
The EMR committee is responsible for providing ongoing advice, guidance and direction related to the implementation and future evolution of the eDocsNL program. Candidates must have experience with using electronic medical records.

Successful candidates will serve a two-year term with an option to renew.  Expressions of Interest may be sent to Lynn Barter at [email protected].  Deadline for Expressions of Interest is close of business Friday, February 28, 2020.